HOW TO HAVE A BAD DAY Wake up late, in a panic Rush to get ready Dress hurriedly Don't eat Drink lots of coffee No spiritual reflection No exercise Don't plan your day Focus on your failures Never smile Be selfish and unfriendly Criticize, blame, complain Think negative thoughts Dictate, direct, command Don't forget to nag Don't overlook mistakes Grumble No time for lunch Harbor resentment Keep rushing Don't communicate Keep it all to yourself Worry about tomorrow Be rigid and cranky Retire with bad thoughts and a full stomach HOW TO HAVE A GOOD DAY! Wake up early - don't rush Breath slowly and deeply Exercise Take 5 minutes to reflect Greet everyone Smile a lot Compliment often Communicate Listen more - talk less Beware of giving advice View your work as a privilege Express appreciation Do your best Welcome change Relax your neck muscles Plan time for relaxation Throw away negative feelings Let go of anger and guilt Leave work at work Review your accomplishments Plan pleasurable events Eat well at night Recognize your blessings Lots of love Thanks for sharing akhoja For the FUN of it! By Jane Powell "Take time out for fun!" When you were a child, you didn't look for a purpose in everything you did. You didn't run across a field, sink your teeth into a juicy orange or jump high with a ball because it was good for you. You did it for the sheer, glorious fun of it! Release your inner child. Take time to play in the park, laugh with friends, visit a fair, walk barefoot on a beach…just for fun. If it makes you feel happy, that's all the reason you need. And, have fun! Thousands of possibilities stream past you every day. You cannot possibly connect with, or even take notice of, most of those possibilities. So which ones do you see, and which ones are you able to fulfill? The possibilities you'll connect with are the ones that most closely align with your thoughts and your actions. Your thoughts have an incredibly powerful influence on your life, but not because those thoughts cause anything to happen on their own. Rather, certain specific thoughts enable you to tap into, and to successfully follow, certain specific possibilities. The life of your dreams is manifested not by calling upon some dark and mysterious secret power. Your dreams will be fulfilled when you tune in to and align the substance of your life with those dreams. Somewhere, in some form, every thing, every experience, every circumstance you can imagine already exists in some form or other. By focusing the energy of your life on your dream, you'll be able to successfully assemble all the pieces together. The very best possibilities for your life are already coming your way. Focus on them with sincerity and commitment, and you'll soon be moving forward right along with them. Ralph Marston |