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Happy Diwali to All!

Diwali is a great time of celebration in the Hindu calendar, and this spectacular event will be celebrated on 3rd November throughout the world.
In reality its true significance is something that touches all of our lives. It is often described as the 'festival of lights', and the idea of light as a symbol of enlightenment and new life occurs in many cultures and religions – the lights on the Christmas tree, for example, or the festoons of light, which are an integral part of the celebration of Ramadan. There may be darkness all around, but the lights offer hope, happiness and joy.
Likewise, it is sometimes in the darkest times of our lives, when the soul is looking for inspiration and hope that enlightenment can come.
Festivals such as these punctuate our lives and serve to remind us of the deeply spiritual – in a life that can sometimes be overtaken by the ordinary. They awaken meaning and purpose in our lives and teach us to look towards greater, higher and nobler things. They remind us that even when it feels that the light of the soul is almost extinguished, God can come into our life and re-light our lights, reawaken the spirit and renew our spirit.
In Hindu mythology, it is said that the celebration restored light and life into the kingdom, ushering in a new dawn, a new age of truth and righteousness. Although these festivals have been celebrated for thousands of years, it seems that there has been no time in history when the significance has been so relevant as it is today. In this time of extreme corruption, greed, warfare and human violation, it is truly a dark time for the collective souls of humanity. All of us are touched in some way or other by negativity, and we are yearning for the light, to be free once more of the mental and spiritual prisons that we have created for ourselves. We long for the light of truth once again.
But just as day always follows night, invariably darkness is followed by light. And in this time of darkness we are also witnessing a revival of the true values of the self – the soul. The people of the world are ready and waiting to come back to real peace, truth and happiness. This is the real lighting of the lamps – enlightenment of the soul – after having lived in 'exile', the dark night of the soul, away from its own truth.
Before the advent of extravagant electrical displays, the lamp or 'Deepak' was a clay vessel with a white cotton wick. The wick is fuelled by oil, and for as long as the oil is replenished, the wick will keep burning brightly. In the same way, we are reminded that this body of 'mud' is simply a container for the soul. More important is what it contains, the real self – the soul. The Almighty lights our light, but it is up to us to keep it burning by maintaining the fuel – our spiritual practice and our effort in bringing truth, goodness and compassion and service for others into our everyday lives. If we forget the importance of the fuel and become too focused on the vessel itself, (the consciousness of the physical and material, and becoming absorbed in the ego self) then our light will go out.
In reality there is no darkness, only the absence of the light. This is why in life importance is given to gathering knowledge and wisdom through scriptures and science. Yet the authentic power lies in the implementation of our real values – and the way to the light is not to be 'out there', but to go within. This is silence power!
When the end is reached, there is a new beginning. Diwali is an auspicious time, the confluence of the old and new. It is seen by a businessman as a time to close old business accounts and to open new ledgers. It reminds us to finish the old and useless, and instead look forward with optimism, hope and with an attitude of newness.
It's time… to light our light. It is not simply enough to strike a match in order to light the wick of the soul. One needs to continuously immerse oneself in spiritual wisdom and practice and maintain a steady awareness of soul consciousness and one's eternity and not just be focused on the vessel of the body! So whether it's 3rd November or not, let us all take the time to light the light of the soul by seeing ourselves in a new light!

 Your Divine Friend 

Recent Activity:
Enjoy your stay at Rukhsana Group.
Moderators Rukhsana Group:
Kazakhstani1303 & Mumtaz Ali.
Contact us at: kazakhstani1303@gmail.com


Freeing yourself from yourself

This idea of self is truly detrimental once we believe in it. One thing is to relate with this "self" label as when"I" greet someone: "Hello Jayesh, how are you doing?" or when in my daily speech "I" need to use the words "I"and "my."

A different thing is to believe that those words that we use to communicate are indeed "real."

Note that i am not saying that the idea of "self" is "bad," our

"worst enemy",

or that we need to have "distaste of that idea." That is childish.

i am using the word "detrimental" not as judgment but as a way to communicate and convey a close but not accurate meaning to our inner discovery.
"Detrimental" is used as an obstacle, an obstruction to perceive something else.

As mentioned before, please do not take that as the "truth," for it cannot be communicated with words.

Have you ever taken a stroll in a park or the bay early in the morning with a smiling face? :-)

Do you know where that smile came from, without a particular reason to smile?
That is when YOU are not there. Notice that the harmonious perception of what is already there in Nature, without any thinking or additional ideas will bring that magic.
To be alive in appreciation means not to think, to have a quiet mind. Silence. Stillness. Emptiness.

Is thinking "bad"? Nope. Thinking has its own place. Thinking is not supposed to be an inner voice in our heads. Thinking is not supposed to bring that separation of the "thinker" and everything else. Unless we believe it.

There is no problem which is truly a problem when we realize that everything is temporary.

That is why that perception of "I" is a mental disease . That "I" needs to go away with his/her ideas. That "I" needs to go away with his/her expectations and illusions.
That "I" must go away… but through thinking, that "I" remains the "same."
It wants to survive forever… :-)

That is why any ideas about the afterlife are just ways for that "I" to remain. Those ideas will bring certainty through another thought, through another idea, another belief.

Living is not thinking about the "future" and what could happen next. We live "now." As it is "now" when we are aware of it.

That is why it is important to be aware of our mind and its games. That is why, it is important to awaken to that "reality."

God cannot help on this. To clear our minds from that on going "mental garbage" is our own task.

The outcome of that inner cleansing is a frank smile.
Observe your neighbor's cat lazily stretching in the morning, say hello to "top cat." Observe the birds chirping their tunes, appreciate that music with your awareness… Move slowly into the day by looking at the trees and perceiving their aroma, notice the sun caressing your skin and the wind massaging your face… as long as there is no YOU in it, "YOU" will appreciate that moment without words. Otherwise, it is just an empty thought.

That is the mystery of being and non-being.

 Your Divine Friend 

Recent Activity:
Enjoy your stay at Rukhsana Group.
Moderators Rukhsana Group:
Kazakhstani1303 & Mumtaz Ali.
Contact us at: kazakhstani1303@gmail.com


Daily Positive Thoughts:  October 31, 2013Peace


Happy Halloween!!!






Weapons by themselves are not dangerous; it is the anger within people that is harmful.






It is said that the mind can be your best friend or your worst enemy.
At every moment we have the opportunity to choose our company: thoughts which bring oxygen to the spirit or those who bring pain. If I am
loyal to myself, I will continually strive to go back to my inner core
of positivity again and again. I will be patient and loving, and
increasingly my mind will reside in this positive inner truth. When I
am able to be loving and loyal to myself, I can then help others in
this same unconditional manner.



Characteristics Of The World Stage


There are three things that we all have in common; 
awareness - of ourselves and others
relationships - the sharing and exchange of energy with others 
creativity - the ability to produce thoughts, ideas, concepts and feelings and express them.

The purpose of our life is nothing more than living life itself - to be self-aware (awareness), to be creative, to express ourselves to our highest potential (creativity) and to exchange the energy of love with those around us (relationships). But this cannot happen in the incorporeal, silent home of the soul (commonly called paramdham or shantidham). These characteristics of life require action, a costume (physical body) through which to express ourselves and a stage on which to act. The physical world provides the stage on which we can move, bring to life, create, relate and express all that is within us. For each of us the possibilities are infinite. 

The moment we take birth in a physical form, we are constantly doing one of three things: acting, reacting, or interacting - sometimes all three together.


Soul Sustenance

Experiencing Self-Rule through Meditation

Practicing meditation helps us to reach our goals of self change, because during meditation we link our soul self with the Supreme Energy (God), who fills us with power. The more mentally powerful we become through meditation, the more confident we are with the ability to respect our self more. We become more stable in our own self, we are able to control our reactions a bit better and we wait. We don't suppress the self. Rather, we wait, observe, clarify and then control our reactions (including, of course, our tongue!). 

We don't want to be ruled by our negative emotions. We still meet them, acknowledge them, try to understand them and dissolve them. We cannot pretend that they are not there, but we are no longer a slave to them. As we follow our spiritual path more closely, we learn that we don't want to damage ourself, nor do we want to damage others. We become a little more careful. Sometimes we know what is the right thing to do, but still we are not able to control our reactions, or act correctly. We know, understand, agree but still can't do the right thing. Then we are filled with guilt and regret, having done the wrong thing. We lose our self-respect. What can we do then? Where do we find the strength to change? Spiritual knowledge shows us the way as to what is right and what is wrong and in silence through meditative practice, we are able to find the strength to be able to put this knowledge and our basic values as well as our conscience (inner voice) into practical karma and thus bring about change.



Message for the day


Responsibility is best fulfilled by the one who is detached. 

Projection: When one is attached to the task that he is responsible for it leads to worry, doubt and fear. This can have a crippling effect on decision-making and result in difficult situations. On the other hand, the one who is detached is the one who is able to see things clearly and so fulfill all responsibilities with lightness. 

Solution: When I have to take up some new responsibility I need to tell myself that I will do my best in fulfilling the responsibility. When I become detached from the result of the task I will find myself doing my best because there are no negative thoughts. 


 Your Divine Friend 

Recent Activity:
Enjoy your stay at Rukhsana Group.
Moderators Rukhsana Group:
Kazakhstani1303 & Mumtaz Ali.
Contact us at: kazakhstani1303@gmail.com

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Recent Activity:
Enjoy your stay at Rukhsana Group.
Moderators Rukhsana Group:
Kazakhstani1303 & Mumtaz Ali.
Contact us at: kazakhstani1303@gmail.com
