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Transforming violence

Violence is a way of living nowadays. There is violence in actions, in words, in thoughts… Violence comes with a force and whenever there is a "wall" inside us; that self-created personality known as ego, then that force of violence will hit the wall creating some damage. Obviously there is a "reply-back" a reaction when hurt, and that expands violence. "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth."

The issue has always been that "wall." Someone throws a stone at the wall. That wall will feel the impact when there is enough violence gathered, sufficient force. Nevertheless, that violence will come back to the originator with the same force and with all the violence gathered through the suffering of others in the path, that is when the "walls" of "others" have been damaged.

The beauty of evolved spirituality is to be able to transform that force rather than to feel the impact or to repress a reaction or a feeling in the name of "being good," "holly," a "saint."

Mahesh was sharing with his friend Anand about this topic.

Mahesh: Violence requires of something or someone to be made, but when it passes through someone, then that violence is not trapped. That violence will transform into strength. Everything, has utility.

Anand: But that force is not violence?

MaheshStrength, not violence. It is the strength that you have when you climb a mountain. Strength is what the little "Bambi" has when he has to stand up on his own legs...

Anand: But, you say that this comes from violence?

Mahesh: You said that the surroundings are violent. That is a nutrient for those who know how to assimilate that nutrient.

Anand: Is this what is known as transformation or we let that force go through us by becoming "empty"?

Mahesh: First, you need to let it go through. That violence shouldn't find anything inside you. Violence could find an echo in you and then a feeling of guilt will arise, but when there is no "wall" anymore, then the ball goes along without hitting anything...

Anand: And how that becomes strength then?

Mahesh: When it comes back... It is a "little push"… It will get back to the place of origin through the same path that it was sent…

Anand: And when it comes back, it does it with strength?

Mahesh: With great strength, my friend. But for that one who has let that force go through, it becomes a great push… The question is where?
Where you are focused… and if your focus is to enjoy... then... ohhh... Thank you for spitting on me!! Ohh.... Every time that you want I will be here.. ahhh!

Anand: That is the story of the Buddha who was spat by someone... That is another perception…

Mahesh: Isn't that called pleasure?
Anand: Who enjoys?
Mathias: That one who was enjoying before; enjoys even more due to that little push…

Anand: But that does not mean to be "empty" only?

Mahesh: Emptiness is only temporary in a world of movement, but emptiness is important... it brings creativity.

Anand: To experience that enjoyment as the Buddha sounds fantastic, but it is just intellectual understanding. Most will merely do a performance, they will act to be "holly" but inside them there will be anger. But how do you get to that experience of enjoyment without acting?

Mahesh: What comes out from you towards life?
Anand: Now? It is appreciation, gratitude to be here…

Mahesh: Even for that one who tries to force you into something?

Anand: That is an experience that I wouldn't like to go through...
Mahesh: Why my friend?
Anand: Because someone is forcing me to do something…

Mahesh: That means that there is wall ...
Anand: Yes… That is what I meant.. All of these things could be just theory…unless there is something that comes or happens in my conscience.. to take that wall away…

Mahesh: It is your decision...
Anand: Only a decision could make that happen?

Mahesh: Totally…
The day will come when you could say to that one forcing you… Thank you for being there, for I realize now that there is no violence in me... and you are the instrument for that.. Thank you!

Take the fear to feel away from you and you would have accomplished that.

Your Divine Friend 

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When I learn to respect myself, other people will respect me. How can I develop respect for myself? By keeping my mind positive and encouraging myself to grow and change for the better. Demanding respect because of my position or background is simply arrogance. On the other hand, listening with humility and valuing other people's advice naturally earns me respect. I get back exactly what I give out.




Self Elevation


To make the self elevated there are three practical steps to take;
first, listen and make sure that you have understood clearly. Then
practice what you have heard. Secondly, give time for your spiritual
effort. Thirdly, stay in good company. By staying in good company my
own company will become such that it supports others. By staying in my
company, others should dance. By seeing that others are able to do
something, we also start to feel that we can do it. When I start doing
it, others will receive inspiration from me to practice that.

The Search For Success Through Desire Fulfillment

The false intention and assumption behind greed, in the form of a thought and feeling, is 'the more I have, the more I am'. It is a combination of trying to add to the value of the self through material possessions, position, role, talent or achievements and then becoming attached to these as a form of identity, finally leading to personal collapse. To try to add to the sense of self in this way has the effect of diverting oneself from the real self, which is why, in many cases, a person who has everything material is left with the feeling of being empty, disorientated and even fearful.

We cannot accumulate, or rely on the external, to create a sense of personal value.

People often try to fill the void of personal inadequacy or emptiness through greed, but this method goes against natural, universal laws. All that I am, all that I can be, all that will make me truly happy must begin from inside the self. We have to start from the inside out, not the other way round, otherwise we create desires that have no end, like the ten-headed Ravana - every time Ram cut off one of his heads, another grew in its place. Ravana did not die until Ram aimed for his heart. Desires are created from wanting one thing or another, believing that we will find achievement when those desires are fulfilled. This pattern of behavior keeps deceiving us and the proof of this is seen in the state of discontentment and emptiness a lot of people find themselves in today.


Soul Sustenance



The Art Of Stepping In And Stepping Out In Relationships (Part 2) 

In the same way as the gardener (explained yesterday), we have the duty, or rather the honor, of planting positive seeds of good intentions, love, respect and tolerance, at the same time allowing others and the forces of the universe to be given the space to work and respond according to their time and inclination. Very often we plant those seeds but want an immediate result: I have shown so much patience, but she doesn't change. or How much longer do I have to tolerate? I feel suppressed. We become attached to what we do, so there is no space for things to happen at their own appropriate time. Sometimes we have the wrong type of mercy, or we want to take control, thinking we know better, so we step into people's lives too much. This interference and lack of free space provokes hatred, resentment and conflict with others. 

At other times, we get fed up with others; our tolerance and empathy is completely reduced and we say, I've had enough, or I have got to do my own thing and so we step out, but in a selfish way, that is, we isolate ourselves from others, or situations. We justify, or disguise, this isolation and rejection and dislike towards others with such phrases as, I need my own space or Let them stand on their own feet. In actual fact, we aren't bothered anymore; we have stepped too far out of the picture because we have not cultivated the patience which allows the good and positive to germinate and grow in its own time. It is an art to know when to step back and when to step forward, but a very necessary one if well-being is to be achieved. 



Message for the day

To understand is to be easy and light. 

Expression: Life brings obstacles and difficulties. They do not come to stop or hinder progress. They can strengthen and help in bringing progress with more experience. To understand this is to keep advancing. Understanding this aspect means to know that it is not always necessary to find a solution, it is enough to keep moving forward, leaving the obstacle behind. 

Experience: True understanding is to understand what the solution of the problem is and bring it into my own life accordingly. When I am able to understand this instead of focussing too much on the problem, I am able to remain happy. This brings a lot of inner lightness and ease and thereby I am able to use all my strength in bringing about solutions. 


Your Divine Friend 

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João Fazenda

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