The part and the whole
"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts."
The Drama is the experience of your role.
The experience of that role in conjunction with other roles is your Drama.
In logic we say that "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts."
In Spirituality the part is the whole.
By becoming aware of the part, we can recognize the whole as a reflection of that part. The Drama is the mirror of that part.
Experiencing that unity where there are no differences, is something that logic will not be able to understand.
Spirituality depends on consciousness. That consciousness is what defines our vision and understanding.
Greater consciousness, greater understanding. That consciousness dictates our awareness.
If we understand the Drama as a definition as well as God as another definition; we will limit the experience of the Drama and God.
To define with thought and words, means to limit the experience. That is sharing.
In Spirituality, to experience is precious. It is the most important "item." An experience cannot be defined, for it is specific to a person. However, that experience could "enlighten" others to "make sense" of their own experience.
Because Spirituality is related with experiencing, we need to experiment if we want to know; for knowing in Spirituality is being "part of." Merging. We merge through feelings. That is communion.
In logic, analysis and reason; we "separate" from the thing that we want to know, so we can describe it, analyze it, dissect it.
There is the "knower" and the thing to be known of. Two things.
That only brings information about a thing, but never knowledge.
In Spirituality, information has no other meaning but to point for a direction to follow.
To find means to experiment, that is to experience. To merge.
Spirituality is to recognize the ultimate experience of being part of the whole, but being the whole at the same time.
Not just one thing and not the other, but both at the same time.
As I was looking at the ocean, an eagle caught a fish.
The eagle, flew quickly and took the fish to the height of an electrical light pole and held the fish so it wouldn't drop from that altitude.
The fish struggled to live. The fish was desperately shaking to get away.
This scene brings emotions. It brings judgment based on our moral upbringings.
The fish and the eagle are roles. Our vision on those roles will make our experience.
If I see the fish separated from the eagle, i have reasons to find "good and evil."
If I see the scene without making a judgment, that is without making a biased thought, I will be able to see something different.
The eagle is the hunter. The fish; the prey. There is no hunter without a prey. They come together.
The eagle is not bad, only hungry. The fish is not good, but only food.
To observe is the art of being there without being there.
Moderators Rukhsana Group:
Kazakhstani1303 & Mumtaz Ali.
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