Underground natural springs in Mexico
Depths of Silence
Practice going into the depths of silence. Make it your hobby and see how much you enjoy it. Any tiredness of the soul will then be removed. We will feel that we are able to remain carefree and restful. When the soul is tired it is restless and there is a lot of worry; we think I have to do this and that. All I really have to do is to remain peaceful and there will be the feeling that everything will be OK
We have one Angel standing watch above us as we sleep...
Another gathers up the hopes and dreams we wish to keep
One Angel is the tiny voice that whispers in our ears...
With words of love and comfort to conquer grief and fears
We have so many Angels with one friendship keeper too...
Another just to help us mend the thoughtless things we do
We have a Guardian of Love who protects our Destiny...
And helps us with our soul mate with whom we are meant to be
We have a host of Angels that keep us company...
In order that we may become the best that we can be.
Different Shades Of Attachment To Opinions And Ideas
Very often in a group or team, whether social or official, while moving towards a common goal or objective or purpose, different people in the group or gathering give their opinion to make the objective of the team possible. While giving their opinion, one very commonly sees two different categories of people. The first category contains type of people who are attached to their ideas (to different extents) while presenting them to the group and the other contains type of people who are extremely active, positive and authoritative in giving their ideas, when they are required to do so, but are able to keep a relationship of detachment with their ideas.
If someone is attached to his/her idea and it is not accepted, he/she might react emotionally (internally) or even physically (externally). He/she:
* might even start creating disharmony in the group by talking against or creating ill-feelings for the person who objected to his idea or
* might stop co-operating with the remaining members of the group or
* sometimes may just disassociate or distance himself/herself from the group, which is a quiet way of non co-operation and can cause ripples of negative thoughts and feelings in the others.
These and others are some of the common reactions of someone whose idea/ideas are not accepted.
So the right balance of authority (while giving the idea) and humility (while accepting the result of the idea, the result could be rejection or even acceptance of the idea) has to be maintained. Humility comes very naturally to someone who is detached to his/her idea.
(To be continued tomorrow...)
Soul Sustenance
Marrying Spiritual Practices With Actions
Spiritual practices and life are interconnected; so are my thoughts and actions. It is not possible to separate them. The immediate influence of any spiritual practice like meditation is on the quality of my thoughts. The quality of my thoughts is then reflected in my day-to-day actions. As the quality of my actions improves, it starts influencing my thoughts positively and the quality of my spiritual practice also starts improving. When I really understand this, it becomes clear that the right way to live is to marry both these sides within my life - meditation and practical life, marry the process of improving the quality of my thoughts with my actions, because both are interconnected with each other.
Actions performed by being too action conscious, in a wrong, non-spiritual consciousness, have led to a monotonous and meaningless existence, an existence without permanent peace, love and joy, causing feelings of discontentment and an emptiness in many hearts. On the other hand, religious or meditation practices, which were done with the aim of bringing peace and happiness in our personal life as well as in relationships, but were performed in seclusion (by detaching or becoming aloof from society), did not achieve the desired objectives and was unable to influence life positively. This caused spirituality to become disconnected from reality.
I want my consciousness to become such that I can experience the richness of a life of actions, interactions and relationships of the world, but adorned (decorated) with the jewels of the energy and spiritual power that only meditation can provide.
Message for the day
To think of solutions instead of the problems is to be in peace.
Projection: When faced with difficult situations, we see such situations as problems. Thus we find ourselves anxious or tensed and our mind is full of negative thoughts. We can no longer think positive or keep our mind in peace.
Solution: In each difficult situation we need to see what solution we can find for the situation at hand instead of thinking unnecessarily of it as a problem. When we learn to think in this way our mind will be light and we will be able to maintain
Moderators Rukhsana Group:
Kazakhstani1303 & Mumtaz Ali.
Contact us at: kazakhstani1303@gmail.com