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Contact us at: kazakhstani1303@gmail.com


 Your Divine Friend

[Attachment(s) from Satya included below]

yeerleer keÀes YegueeF³es
SkeÀ yengle megvoj ceneJeeke̳e nw, Instead of questioning the past, put a fullstop to it.YetlekeÀeue kesÀ He´efle He´Mve efkeÀ ³en ke̳eeW ngDee Lee, kewÀmes ngDee Lee, Gþeves kesÀyepee³e HetCe& efJejece ueiee oerefpeS~ peye Jeeke̳e Hetje nesves Hej HetCe&efJejece ueiee osles nQ lees Deeies efueKevee menpe nes peelee nw Deewj efueKes ngS keÀes Heæ{vee Yeer menpe nes peelee nw, veneR lees Jeeke̳e DeeHeme ceW efceue peeles nQ Deewj efueKele mecePe ceW veneR Deeleer~ yeerles ngS mece³e Deewj Jele&ceeve mece³e kesÀ efJeYeepeve kesÀ DeYeeJe ceW peerJeve GuePee-mee nes peelee nw~ peerJeve keÀe GÎsM³e Kees peelee nw~ YetlekeÀeue keÀes HekeÀæ[ves keÀer veekeÀece keÀesefMeMe ceW Jele&ceeve ítì peelee nw~ Jele&ceeve keÀe Jen #eCe keÀesF& GHenej efoS efyevee ner Yetle yeve peelee nw~
ve³ee Heeves kesÀ efueS Hegjeves keÀes Yetuevee DeefveJee³e&
SkeÀ efJeÐeeLeea peye SkeÀ keÀ#ee Heeme keÀj ueslee nw lees Gme keÀ#ee ceW Heæ{er ieF& HegmlekeÀeW mes ceve nìe ueslee nw Deewj Deieueer keÀ#ee keÀer veF& HegmlekeÀeW ceW ceve ueiee ueslee nw~ Gmes Helee nw, Hegjeveer keÀ#ee keÀer HegmlekeWÀ Heeme jKeves Deewj GveceW Heæ{er ngF& yeeleeW keÀes ³eeo jKeves mes Jen Deieueer keÀ#ee ceW veneR pee HeeSiee~ Deeies peeves kesÀ efueS efHeíuee íesæ[vee Deewj Yetuevee Heæ[lee ner nw Yeues ner Jen efkeÀlevee Yeer efHe´³e ke̳eeW ve jne nes~ peerJeve-³ee$ee ceW Yeer ve³ee Heeves kesÀ efueS Hegjeves keÀes Yetuevee DeefveJee³e& nw~
Hegjeveer ieueleer keÀes ³eeo keÀjW megOeejves kesÀ efueS
peye nce keÀesF& uesKe efueKeles nQ lees efueKes ngS keÀe efEmeneJeueeskeÀve keÀjves kesÀ efueS Gmes efHeÀj Heæ{les nQ~ GmeceW keÀesF& $egefì jn ieF& nes lees Gmes þerkeÀ keÀjves kesÀ efueS Heæ{les nQ Hejvleg yeej-yeej Gmeer keÀes Heæ{ves ceW ueies jnWies lees Deeies veneR efueKe HeeSbies~ Fmeer He´keÀej, pees kegÀí Heerís íesæ[ DeeS Gmes Heerís cegæ[-cegæ[ keÀj osKeles jnWies lees Deeies þeskeÀj Kee peeSbies DeLee&led Deeies Jeeueer He´eefHle keÀes Kees oWies~FmeefueS peerJeve-³ee$ee ceW Deeies ye{W~ Hegjeveer ieueleer keÀes ³eefo megOeejves kesÀ efueS ³eeo efkeÀ³ee nw lees þerkeÀ nw, veneR lees yeejyeej ³etB ner Gmes ³eeo keÀjkesÀ Jele&ceeve ceW Deewj ieueefle³eeB vee keÀjW~
keÀæ[Jeer mce=efle³eeB nQ meHe&-efye®ít keÀer lejn
ceeve ueerefpeS, nceejs Iej ceW keÀesF& meHe&, efye®ít ³ee neefvekeÀejkeÀ peerJe De®eevekeÀ keÀneR mes Iegme DeeS lees nce Gmes efkeÀmeer Yeer lejerkesÀ mes Iej mes yeenj Yeieeves keÀe He´³eeme keÀjles nQ~ FmekesÀ efueS nce ³en veneR mees®eles efkeÀ Deepe lees Fmes jnves oW, keÀue Yeiee oWies~ legjvle Yeieeves keÀe Heg©<eeLe& keÀjles nQ~ nceW ceeuetce nw, ³es Iej ceW Iegmes jnWies, keÀneR efíHes Heæ[s jnWies lees keÀYeer Yeer, keÀesF& Yeer vegkeÀmeeve keÀj mekeÀles nQ~ Fmeer He´keÀej Hegjeveer Deewj keÀæ[Jeer mce=efle³eeB, DeHeveer ³ee otmejeW keÀer ieueefle³eeW keÀer mce=efle³eeB Yeer Fve IeelekeÀ peerJeeW keÀer lejn yengle ner IeelekeÀ nesleer nQ~ ³eefo Jes ceve kesÀ Heìue Hej GYej DeeSb lees legjvle GvnW meceeHle keÀjW, GvekeÀer DeeJeYeiele ve keÀjW, GvekeÀes efyeþeSB vee, legjvle jJeevee keÀj oW~ Ssmeer mce=efle³eeW mes HeÀe³eoe kegÀí Yeer veneR, vegkeÀmeeve ner vegkeÀmeeve nw~
Hegjeveer yeeleW keÀjleer nQ ieefle keÀes Oeercee
keÀesF& Þes<þ cev$e nce ceve ceW yeej-yeej oesnjeles nQ FmeefueS efkeÀ Gme Þes<þ efJe®eej keÀer oesnjeF& mes ceveesyeue efceuelee nw~ YekeÌle ueesie Deesce vecees efMeJee³e ³ee nefj legce MejCeced Deeefo-Deeefo cev$e oesnjeles jnles nQ~ otmejer lejHeÀ nce ³en Yeer osKeles nQ efkeÀ J³eLe& ³ee ogKeoeF& yeerleer ngF& yeele keÀe Yeer ve ®eenles Yeer nce cev$e keÀer lejn peeHe keÀjves ueieles nQ~ ®etbefkeÀ Fme He´keÀej kesÀ peeHe ceW keÀesF& oce veneR nw FmeefueS FmekeÀer yeej-yeej keÀer oesnjeF& nceeje oce efvekeÀeue osleer nw~ ³en nceejer nj De®íer Deeole, De®ís mJeYeeJe Hej neJeer neskeÀj Gmes ve<ì keÀj osleer nw~ nceW nbmevee Yeguee osleer nw, ueesieeW mes efceueveepeguevee yevo keÀje osleer nw, De®ís Meyo yeesuevee, Gcebie-Glmeen ceW jnvee meye ígæ[e osleer nw~ nce cegox mes yeves Gme yeerleer yeele mes ef®eHekesÀ jnles nQ~ mebmeej keÀes Deeies yeæ{les osKeles jnles nQ Hej Gme yeele keÀes DeHeveer ieefle Hej ef®eHekeÀe keÀj, ieefle keÀes jeskeÀ uesles nQ~ Gme yeele mes, Gme Ieìvee mes, F®íe kesÀ efJe©× Flevee ueieeJe efkeÀ GmekesÀ efueS peerJeve-³ee$ee keÀes ner þHHe keÀj uesles nQ! SkeÀ yeej SkeÀ 25 meeue kesÀ veewpeJeeve mes nceW efceueJee³ee ie³ee Deewj keÀne ie³ee efkeÀ ³en keÀYeer nbmelee veneR nw~ nceves keÀejCe Hetíe lees Gmeves yelee³ee efkeÀ ceQves yeskeÀjer keÀe keÀece meerKekeÀj,DeHeveer yeskeÀjer ueieeF& Hej GmeceW Ieeìe ueie ie³ee Deewj oes ueeKe keÀe keÀ]pee& ®eæ{
ie³ee~ HeÀuemJeªHe, cegPes DeHeves Hegjeves ceeefuekeÀ kesÀ Heeme Hegveë veewkeÀjer keÀjveer Heæ[er~ ³etB lees ceQ meeje efove Ketye keÀece keÀjlee ntB Hej ceve ceW kesÀJeue SkeÀ yeele ®eueleer jnleer nw, cegPes Ieeìe ke̳eeW ueiee, keÀ]pe& ke̳eeW ®eæ{e, cesje Hewmee ke̳eeW [tyee, cesjs meeLe Ssmee ke̳eeW ngDee? keÀece lees keÀjlee ntB, Helee nw, keÀece keÀªBiee lees ner ceeefuekeÀ leveKJeen osiee Hej ceve Gme Ieeìs keÀer yeele mes Flevee ef®eHekeÀ ie³ee nw efkeÀ ceQ nbmevee, Kesuevee, efceuevee-peguevee meye mes otj nes ie³ee ntB~
meceeOeeve nw jepe³eesie
GHejeskeÌle efmLeefle SkeÀ He´keÀej keÀe DeJemeeo nw~ FmekeÀe Fueepe nw jepe³eesie~ jepe³eesie kesÀ DeY³eeme ceW nce nj Heue veJeerve Gcebie-Glmeen osves Jeeues, DeeMeepevekeÀ, HeefJe$e, megKeoeF& efJe®eej ceve ceW ueeles nQ~ jepe³eesie kesÀ DeY³eeme ceW nce ceve keÀes pees F&MJejer³e efJe®eej osles nQ Gve keÀer yeej-yeej oesnjeF& mes Deleerefvê³e Deevevo efceuelee nw~ yeerles mece³e kesÀ J³eLe& efJe®eej peerles peer cegoe& yevee osles nQ Deewj F&MJejer³e efJe®eej KegMeer mes Yej osles nQ, lees nce
DeHeves ceve keÀes KegMeer Jeeues efJe®eej ke̳eeW ve oW?
veeHemebo yeele keÀer oesnjeF& ke̳eeW?
peye ieeæ[er ³ee mketÀìj mes ³ee Hewoue Yeer jemlee le³e keÀjles nQ leye ceeie& ceW keÀF& DeJejesOe Dee peeles nQ~ peece, ogIe&ìvee, yejmeele kesÀ keÀejCe efHeÀmeueve Deeefo mes jemles ©keÀ peeles nQ~ Gme mece³e nce ³en ke̳eeW, Jen ke̳eeW, Fme He´keÀej mees®eves ceW mece³e Kejeye vee keÀjkesÀ legjble otmejs mecYeJe jemles keÀes yegef× ceW Fcepe& keÀjles nQ Deewj Gme efoMee ceW yeæ{ ®eueles nQ~ Fmeer He´keÀej, peerJeve Yeer SkeÀ ³ee$ee nw, FmeceW keÀF& keÀejCeeW mes keÀF& DeJejesOe Keæ[s nes peeles nQ~ peerJeve-³ee$ee ceW DeJejesOe Dee peeves Hej ³en mees®eves keÀer yepee³e efkeÀ Fmeves Ssmee ke̳eeW efkeÀ³ee ³ee Fmeves Ssmee ke̳eeW veneR efkeÀ³ee, nce Yeer legjble otmeje GHee³e mees®e ueW, lees mece³e Deewj MeefkeÌle³eeW keÀer ye®ele nes mekeÀleer nw~ efpemeves pees veeHemebo yeele keÀj oer, GmekeÀes yeej-yeej mees®evee lees SkeÀ He´keÀej mes Gme veeHemebo yeele keÀe iegCeieeve keÀjvee nw~ veeHemebo yeele keÀes lees Yeguee³ee peelee nw, Gmes yeej-yeej ceve ceW ueekeÀj GmekeÀer mce=efle keÀes HekeÌkeÀe keÀjves mes lees Deewj ner p³eeoe vegkeÀmeeve nes peelee nw~
jen veneRr, jenieerj Deeies yeæ{lee nw
keÀF& ueesie mees®eles nQ, yeeleW Kelce neWieer leye nce Deeies yeæ{Wies uesefkeÀve veneR, yeeleW Kelce ner leye neWieer peye nce Deeies yeæ{Wies~ jemlee Deeies veneR yeæ{lee, ®eueves Jeeuee Deeies yeæ{lee nw~ keÀesF& jenieerj mees®es, jen Deeies yeæ{s lees ceQ Deeies ye{tB~ Ssmee veneR nesiee, jemlee lees JeneR jnsiee~ Gmes le³e keÀjves Jeeuee ner Deeies yeæ{siee~ meeF[meerve keÀYeer Deeies veneR yeæ{les, Jes lees JeneR jnles nQ, GvnW osKeves Jeeues keÀes Deeies yeæ{vee nw~
He´eke=ÀeflekeÀ HeefjJele&ve keÀer lejn Dev³e HeefjJele&ve Yeer mJeerkeÀej keÀjW
neefve-ueeYe, ogKe-megKe, pevcece=l³eg ³es meye Fme jbieceb®e Hej OetHe-íebJe keÀer lejn Deeles-peeles nQ~ $eÝleg HeefjJele&ve keÀer lejn ceeveJe keÀer HeefjefmLeefle³eeB Yeer HeefjJele&ve nesleer jnleer nQ~ ³eefo nce Fme He´eke=ÀeflekeÀ HeefjJele&ve keÀes mJeerkeÀej keÀjles nQ lees nceW Dev³e HeefjJele&ve Yeer mJeerkeÀej keÀj uesves ®eeefnSB~ pewmes jele kesÀ yeeo efove DeJeM³e Deelee nw Gmeer He´keÀej efHeíueer YetueeW mes meerKe ueskeÀj Deeies yeæ{ves Jeeues keÀes cebef]peue DeJeM³e efceueleer nw~

 Your Divine Friend


Attachment(s) from Satya

1 of 1 File(s)

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Enjoy your stay at Rukhsana Group.
Moderators Rukhsana Group:
Kazakhstani1303 & Mumtaz Ali.
Contact us at: kazakhstani1303@gmail.com


Recent Activity:
Enjoy your stay at Rukhsana Group.
Moderators Rukhsana Group:
Kazakhstani1303 & Mumtaz Ali.
Contact us at: kazakhstani1303@gmail.com


One of the best explanations I have found about this "process" could be read in the "Hua Hu Ching," Chapter 59.

"Greed for enlightenment and immortality is no different than greed for material wealth.
It is self-centered and dualistic, and thus an obstacle to true attainment. Therefore these states are never achieved by those who covet them; rather, they are the reward of the virtuous.
If you wish to become a divine immortal angel, then restore the angelic qualities of your being through virtue and service. This is the only way to gain the attention of the immortals who teach the methods of energy enhancement and integration that are necessary to reach the divine realm.
These angelic teachers cannot be sought out; it is they who seek out the student.
When you succeed in connecting your energy with the divine realm through high awareness and the practice of undiscriminating virtue, the transmission of the ultimate subtle truths will follow. This is the path that all angels take to the divine realm."
There are many beings of light who are helping at this time. This is the "Godly team."
This is important to know because your affiliation to a particular religion or creed does not determine that these "divine beings," will "choose you." There is more to that. Many lifetimes are behind that.
It is more about our own qualities and capacity to live a virtuous life of service to humanity, which is not related with belonging to an organized group or devotional practice. It is basically your innate quality to help humanity without looking for an ulterior motive. Being self-less. Humanity is you.
Sincerity, honesty. Back to the basics.
Moreover, those qualities do not appear all of a sudden in this "lifetime," but as we are aware of the law of karma, we recognize that what we are here "today" is nothing else but the consequence of other activities in our past lives.
Thus, angels are "meant to be," not something that happens all of a sudden out of just joining a group or performing "important" deeds. Angels are helping hands to humanity. The rest is devotional imagination.
It is important to know that in life, every experience that someone goes through will lead that person to his destination, which is none but to experience the range of his own spiritual capacity.
The inner work of a person who will become an "angel" is not easy, for there is nothing as hard as to take the "rust out of the self," it is like peeling your own skin of cover ups, weaknesses and complexes; just to be free and light, again.
Light so you can be light for others.
Life "tests" and experiences are meant to clean up an individual. The tests are many and there is no "failure" there but just the appreciation of your own capacity for spiritual growth.
The bus of destiny will unload some individuals at different corners according to their roles in life. That is their capacity. Stop signs are located at every corner. Only few will go the whole ride to the last bus stop and this capacity, will bring help from "up above."
All is good. Life is good… :-)
 Your Divine Friend

Recent Activity:
Enjoy your stay at Rukhsana Group.
Moderators Rukhsana Group:
Kazakhstani1303 & Mumtaz Ali.
Contact us at: kazakhstani1303@gmail.com


After 6 beers

After 2 glasses of wine

After 2 bottles of wine - Shared of course

After too many margaritas

After 3 Kamikazes

After 7 rum & cokes

After 1 large purple haze

After 6 cocktails

After 1 bottle of tequila

Best Regards,
Pallavi K

Recent Activity:
Enjoy your stay at Rukhsana Group.
Moderators Rukhsana Group:
Kazakhstani1303 & Mumtaz Ali.
Contact us at: kazakhstani1303@gmail.com



Move through life with lightness, touching the hearts of others without leaving a mark.
Use the weapon of knowledge instead of using anger, which is the weapon of ignorance.
When something goes wrong check if you think first and act in the situation or just react immediately and repent later. Also check the reason why you generally seem to be getting angry. Once you have discovered the general cause of your anger, practice each day in such a way that you can accept things as they are. When you understand why things are happening the way they do, you can stop yourself from using anger as a weapon.
Connecting to the Qualities of Others

Meditation adds immense value and depth to my relationships. It also brings closeness in them. Many obstacles and barriers, both on a physical as well as a subtle level, come between me and others when my consciousness and as a result, my perception are struck primarily in the physical dimension. If I hardly know five to ten per cent of myself, and that too mostly on the surface, my relationships are going to be similarly superficial. With my self-respect built on very weak foundations, it will tend to be delicate and I'll be prone to trying to maintain it by thinking about and focusing my energies on others' weaknesses, sometimes real and sometimes even imagined. I'll also find it hard to realize and appreciate their qualities. Such is the state of so many human relationships today.

In meditation, I go into the depths of myself, and deep within my inner being, I find the beauty of peace, love and happiness that is there inside me. I also realize that this same beauty lies inside each soul. Then naturally and very easily, without any effort, I get connected to the same qualities in others. I also find the strength to do the same. I am no longer judgemental seeing others' temporary sanskaras of negativity. I find qualities that are basically there inside every soul: the original qualities or 'sanskaras' of each spiritual being. It's like a basic prototype for the whole of humanity, which I deeply see and realize.
Soul Sustenance

Meditation on Experiencing Deep Peace

Consider your mind as a stage, and each thought, feeling, emotion as a scene in the film of your life... Relax... Don't try to control anything... Observe how your thoughts pass through your mind... Don't identify with any of them... Only observe... Look where they take you... Observe what happens inside you... Do not judge... The thoughts flow through your mind as if they were clouds that are crossing the sky until everything is clear and open... The mind is becoming calm, making itself peaceful... like the surface of the sea when it is serene...

Now, be conscious of the sounds that are produced around you... Stay here and now as an observer who sees and feels everything from a point of light, a point of calm and peace, behind these eyes... Feel the calm... the tranquility... that comes from within you... Look around you... Observe without interpreting or judging... Feel the silence that is created through the power of concentration. Consciously, create a positive, peaceful, elevated thought that you repeat slowly in your mind, leaving a space of silence between one thought and another, while you keep the focus on that point...

I am a being of peace... I am at peace... I feel the peace... I am light... I am a being of light... My nature is of light... peace and silence... I am feeling the silence between one thought and the next... I listen to the peace... a silent peace... calmed... full... This peace and silence attracts the ocean of peace... I feel the attraction towards my home of silence and peace... a world full of soft golden light, beyond the sun, moon and stars… In this peace and silence, I strengthen myself... my mind rests in that calm and quietness...

I experience a light, the Supreme Light, the Supreme Soul who fills me... he recharges me... renews me... heals me... frees me... I am free... completely free... now I am at peace... I leave my mind in silence, as if I were floating on a sea of peace for a few minutes...

Message for the day

To make our promise practical is to benefit at each step

Projection: Sometimes we make a lot of promises to ourselves and to others. At such times we are very confident of what we are saying but later find that our promise doesn't come into action. So that promise gets wasted as we don't take benefit from the intensity of that moment.

Solution: When we make a promise to bring about a change in ourselves we need to immediately make a practical plan that will help us make the promise real. We also need to make sure we understand why fulfilling that promise is important for us. Along with this we also need to remind ourselves again and again about it till it becomes practical.

 Your Divine Friend

Recent Activity:
Enjoy your stay at Rukhsana Group.
Moderators Rukhsana Group:
Kazakhstani1303 & Mumtaz Ali.
Contact us at: kazakhstani1303@gmail.com

Recent Activity:
Enjoy your stay at Rukhsana Group.
Moderators Rukhsana Group:
Kazakhstani1303 & Mumtaz Ali.
Contact us at: kazakhstani1303@gmail.com


hahahahha acha phir theek hai

From: iqbal sheikh <iqbalyat@gmail.com>
To: Rukhsana@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, 6 August 2013, 11:00
Subject: «*» RUKHSANA«*» Re: «*» RUKHSANA«*» Re: «*» RUKHSANA«*» Eid Mubarak in advance

sath "in advance" b  likha hua he na ghugoo ji. 

On 3 August 2013 08:24, saba bukhari <sabasagar1@yahoo.com> wrote:
abhi to eid main bohot din hain,

From: iqbal sheikh <iqbalyat@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, 2 August 2013, 7:26
Subject: «*» RUKHSANA«*» Eid Mubarak in advance

Eid Mubarak to all friends n members.




Recent Activity:
Enjoy your stay at Rukhsana Group.
Moderators Rukhsana Group:
Kazakhstani1303 & Mumtaz Ali.
Contact us at: kazakhstani1303@gmail.com


Hahahahhahaha itna rona acha naheen hota nashukri hoti hai,

From: iqbal sheikh <iqbalyat@gmail.com>
To: "School-of-friendz@googlegroups.com School-of-friendz@googlegroups.com" <school-of-friendz@googlegroups.com>; VU club Club <vu-club@googlegroups.com>; islamabadianz@googlegroups.com; MSHOAIBTANOLI <MSHOAIBTANOLI@googlegroups.com>; alwayz2gather <alwayz2gather@yahoogroups.com>; Rukhsana@yahoogroups.com; shayari <BeautifulShayari@yahoogroups.com>; younique_group@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, 6 August 2013, 10:52




                             POOCHA KISI NE HAAL KISI KA TO RO DIYE
                             PANI MEIN AKS CHAAND KA DEKHA TO RO DIYE
                             NAGHMA KISI NE SAAZ PE CHERA TO RO DIYE
                             GHUNCHA KISI NE SHAAKH SE TORDA TO RO DIYE
                             URDTA HUA GHUBAAR SARE RAAH DEKH KER
                             ANJAAM HUM NE ISHQ KA SOCHA TO RO DIYE
                             SAGHAR HAMARE HAATH SE CHALKA TO RO DIYE
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Recent Activity:
Enjoy your stay at Rukhsana Group.
Moderators Rukhsana Group:
Kazakhstani1303 & Mumtaz Ali.
Contact us at: kazakhstani1303@gmail.com
