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In any given situation or event, it's our ability to respond appropriately that makes us responsible individuals and better leaders.
To respond thoughtfully and meaningfully to a situation rather than simply reacting from habitual patterns of behavior  is the hallmark of one who is able to master, or control the self.
Such a person is thus more likely to master the situation in front of them.  They will make more considered judgments, better decisions, and be more effective all around.
If we act immediately from a place of anger, agitation or fear, then we are simply re-living, re–enacting and reinforcing old and ineffective patterns.  We are not in control of our responses and therefore unlikely to be very successful in dealing with the problem.
Another ineffective re-action
 is to allow one scenario to influence the next, meaning we don't have the capacity to put a full stop and start a new page.  For example, you may get upset with your wife in the morning and later react with the secretary at work due to no fault of hers.  To be effective leaders we need to learn to bring closure to each situation, not allowing the baggage of the past (from ten minutes ago or ten years ago) to cloud our response-ability in the present moment.
Taking responsibility for our actions as well as our reactions is another key quality in managing the self.
If we are indiscriminately blaming others for the issue or problem, for the mistake, or for making us feel bad, then we are dis-empowering ourselves by handing over our power to them.  When we blame others for how we feel or where we are at in our lives, then we are absolving ourselves of any responsibility.  By blaming we are trying to deflect attention away from the fact that we are not taking responsibility: in fact we are only deceiving ourselves.
Sometimes we can be our own worst enemy by not wanting to move out of our comfort zone and learning new skills and behaviors   We not only hold ourself back but also prevent the growth of our spirit.
A responsible person will make a judgement without worry or regret; they take a decision and accept the outcome.  They will realize that not everything will go their way, that things will sometimes turn out wrong, and that other people will have different opinions, but all of that's okay.  A responsible person will accept any situation and make the most of it.
Very often fear and insecurity can prevent us from taking responsibility.  Perhaps negative childhood experiences can get in the way or simply our fears overtake us and prevent us from taking that first step of courage.  But a responsible person will know that failure is only feedback, and when they fall it is only a springboard for something greater.
Another key skill is knowing when to take responsibility, and when not to. Sometimes we get too involved in things that are not within our remit, or we get too bogged down in details.  A clear intellect is needed to know the difference.
The word responsibility sometimes implies a duty, and the word duty can seem onerous, but the more we bring appreciation and enthusiasm into our work then the happier and more effective we will be, and the more we will bring good feelings into our environment.  Those around us will automatically become more cooperative.
It's Time… to be response able and to stop playing the blame game.  As you begin to take ownership and control of your feelings you increase your ability to respond to life's events appropriately. In this way you empower yourself and are able to make better decisions and have more fruitful outcomes. This is the key to peace, prosperity and a promotion


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Moderators Rukhsana Group:
Kazakhstani1303 & Mumtaz Ali.
Contact us at: kazakhstani1303@gmail.com


<>_<>How to help a lady with insomnia!!!!.<>_<>
Good Guy Boyfriend takes care of his woman.

Recent Activity:
Enjoy your stay at Rukhsana Group.
Moderators Rukhsana Group:
Kazakhstani1303 & Mumtaz Ali.
Contact us at: kazakhstani1303@gmail.com


In most spiritual teachings, a method is given. Something to follow, something to "do."
The thought is: You are this degraded being now, but you can become "better." 
Please see that this is a very convincing "reason." All is necessary is for the teaching to "prove" how degraded we are in our present condition. Then, automatically the "egotistical" becoming "better" arises.
By" becoming better" we think; we deserve God's light, we deserve paradise, etc.
It sounds fantastic!  :-)
The language of "becoming better" is the politically correct way to write about spiritual stuff.  Anyone could follow this without misunderstanding. If you have not "become better," then there is something "wrong" with you. The problem is not the teaching but you following it.
In the simplicity of this language lies the problem of theory versus practice.
For someone who has "worked on" changing the self, it is certain that any type of change imposed from the outside will bring an emotional reaction.  Then of course,  "methods" are created to deal with this "reaction."  More methods to "blame on you" about not being able to follow them correctly, if you have not succeeded.
It is interesting to note how most spiritual seekers are always looking for "methods," as if spirituality was mathematics.
Love to God is a method.  A sense of responsibility to change the world, is another method.  The, "if you don't change then, punishment will be experienced" is another method, etc.
Nevertheless, our emotions will not be acknowledged for typically our emotions are OK with things as they are. Change is not desired. Then, there will be upheaval for sure.
We will say things, which we believe to be "correct," but then; we will do and feel the opposite.  That sort of fragmentation will create a confused person.  Then, frustration will come in because of noticing that our expected change hasn't occurred or it was a temporary fix only.
When we understand our emotions, we will see that we are already fragmented into a person, which we call "me," then another being which we could call "ego," and then; the "inner child."
Most everyone has that fragmentation already, maybe with different labels.
Then of course, more methods will be invented to deal with this, temporarily. A cycle of methods to fix other methods will be created. 
As far as my experience is concerned, a permanent change occurs when there is an experience, which will take away a previous one.
Basically "a nail drives out another nail."
Love to God will only work if there is indeed that love. It will not work if we are "working on loving God," it will not work if we are still figuring out how to love God; so honesty is important.
Similarly, by having the experience of the inner self, by just having that experience; there is change and inner understanding of all previously fragmented sides of our personality. That experience becomes the nail to take out previous nails.
Then, emotions will change permanently because there is not rejection, but it is just the experience of something else which is fulfilling and "better."
That is why "becoming better" is an illusion, a theoretical illusion when we are lacking the experience of the inner self.
To force ourselves to change, means to force the "ego" to disappear or to force the "inner child" to be something else.
Those instructions coming from our intellect, our own minds; are certainly illusions but accepted illusions nevertheless.
However, as paradoxical as "truth" can be, to experience that frustration in changing to a "better self," is an invaluable experience to move on into a different perspective of life.
Change happens automatically in the experience of the self and that is why, spirituality from my perspective; is a way to find what we are; without further labels to that experience. 
There is a knowing without explanations.
Then our emotions will heal. Using force to change the self cannot work in the long run.
Force has never conquered anything.
 Your Divine Friend

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Enjoy your stay at Rukhsana Group.
Moderators Rukhsana Group:
Kazakhstani1303 & Mumtaz Ali.
Contact us at: kazakhstani1303@gmail.com


 His face when he crushes her dreams...

Recent Activity:
Enjoy your stay at Rukhsana Group.
Moderators Rukhsana Group:
Kazakhstani1303 & Mumtaz Ali.
Contact us at: kazakhstani1303@gmail.com


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Recent Activity:
Enjoy your stay at Rukhsana Group.
Moderators Rukhsana Group:
Kazakhstani1303 & Mumtaz Ali.
Contact us at: kazakhstani1303@gmail.com
