"Concentrate on what you want."
When you think about what you don't want to happen, it happens! Concentrating on what you fear and obsessing about negative outcomes has a way of manifesting disastrous images in your head. These images are very powerful and often turn into reality.
Instead, create pictures in your mind of what you want. Imagine the best possible outcome. Take a minute or two to do this every day.
When you focus your energy toward things you really want, rather than toward what you don't want, the reality of it will respond and deliver. Try it. It's an amazing phenomenon that nurtures your desires!
©Jane Powell
Ways to Grow Your Happiness
"At times you have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you'll discover will be wonderful. What you'll discover is yourself." -Alan Alda
Your truth is in your mind, anything you believe in creates your reality.
If you can simply let go and trust that things will work out the way they're supposed to you'll be able to enjoy any life experience with the freedom that this mindset creates.
Find the path that best suits your calling and don't settle until you've found it.
One becomes beautiful by finding beauty in what's already within.
Focus on what you love instead of what you dislike and you'll end up finding more joy and more love in life.
Even though you cannot control everything that happens, you can control your attitude toward what happens. And in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you.
Karina Loureiro
Embrace the responsibilities
It's easy to be resentful about your responsibilities and commitments, and to see them as burdens. It's much better to enthusiastically embrace the positive opportunities they offer.
Fighting against yourself, and your own obligations, is never in your best interest. Take the high road, gracefully accepting and fulfilling those obligations.
Every area of responsibility gives you the chance to make a positive difference in the world. Each obligation is an opportunity to add value to life.
Create that value, and put yourself at a significant advantage. Embrace the responsibilities, and feel the power that your responsible behavior brings you.
It's true that not everyone is willing to move life forward. Yet those who actually do move life forward are the ones who benefit most from the resulting progress.
Choose to get the most out of life by consistently giving your best to life. Honor your commitments, meet your obligations, and truly enjoy the goodness that you are helping to sustain.
Ralph Marston
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