Keukenhof Gardens, Lisse, Holland
Positive Attitude
Your attitude creates an atmosphere around you. Your attitude is the result of the way you think and feel. You communicate your attitude. Create a positive attitude, filled with good feelings, and even just your presence will do wonders in situations.
Glass half full:
We can rant on and continue to complain and criticise throughout the day. However, if everything appears negative, maybe it's our perception.
We can always find positivity in everything, if we choose to look for it. So, let's cultivate the art of seeing the glass as half full.
Meditation In Action (cont.)
The churning over of points of knowledge throughout our active hours strengthens and maintains the meditative state of mind.
There are five basic points to churn over. We had discussed two yesterday. The remaining three are given below. Create your own thought commentaries around each point.
What Is My True Religion?
No matter how much surrounding turmoil there may be, I can remember that my true religion is peace and purity. I am not a Hindu, a Buddhist or Christian, I am a peaceful soul. Just as people do not want to convert from their religions, I resist any attempt to pull me away from my true religion of peace and purity.
Where And What Is My Home?
Just as people love their homeland, I can have the same natural love for my original home, the soul world. At the same time I can be aware of my original form of light and power. In this way I can cross any situation that comes in front of me. I am also aware that I have soon to return home and so I must settle all my karmic accounts.
How Is This World a Drama?
With the consciousness of the eternal world cycle, I can see my role and the roles of others in a perfect and unlimited drama. Even though others and I are playing parts, we are separate from the roles. Now that I know the Director (Supreme Soul) and story of the whole drama from a spiritual perspective, there is no point in getting upset over tiny little scenes. I know that in the beginning of the drama when I had come on this world stage from the soul world, I was full of peace, love, purity and happiness and so now I can re-emerge the sanskaras that I had in the beginning.
Soul Sustenance
Applying The Law Of Balance To Anger (Part 2)
Yesterday we had explained how the law of balance can be applied to anger on a smaller level. The same law can also be applied on a larger level. Each time a group of people transmit the negative energy of anger physically to another group of people - at that time, either:
a) one party is disturbing the balance temporarily, which will be restored sometime in the future, by the second party indulging in similar behavior, or
b) balance is being restored at the present moment (because negative energy had been transmitted from the opposite party to the first party sometime in the past). This balancing must take place, because it's an unbreakable law. This is the law of balance.
This law that does not need to be enforced by us, the police or even by God. It is a natural law like other laws of nature. It gets enforced itself and cannot be broken by anyone. Understanding that this law is embedded in the human state of affairs at all times makes us careful and detached so that we don't hurt ourselves with violent, toxic thoughts, when someone acts negatively. We create these kinds of thoughts because we believe this is revenge that is justified. Also, knowing that anger that is radiated comes back doesn't mean we don't have any laws within society – they are required, but it helps us not to take the law into our own hands. We cannot force justice to take place before its fixed time. We cannot force the balancing of energies of anger. If we trying doing it, it is being egoistic and we only upset the balance of our energies as a result. Even to criticize those who try to take the law into their own hands is to take the law into our hands.
Message for the day
The way to get blessings is to be open to learning.
Projection: We do get both negative and positive situations in our life. When we are faced with negative situations we usually expect blessings from God or someone great by which the negativity in our life will fully finish. But it doesn't usually happen so.
Solution: The method to receive blessings is to go on learning from the experiences of life. To learn means never to repeat mistakes by learning from whatever has happened. This learning acts as a lift for us, which takes us forward.
Your Divine Friend
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Kazakhstani1303 & Mumtaz Ali.
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Kazakhstani1303 & Mumtaz Ali.
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