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Moderators Rukhsana Group:
Kazakhstani1303 & Mumtaz Ali.
Contact us at: kazakhstani1303@gmail.com


Daily Positive Thoughts: November 09, 2013Resist Not


Resist Not

Have you ever noticed that resistance leads to persistence? And behind all resistance is self-created fear. The only way to relax and stay relaxed is acceptance. You don't have to agree, or follow, or condone, but acceptance means you begin any interaction with a serenity which invites others to engage with you. And out of engagement comes the satisfaction of creative expression and an enriching relationship. That's relaxation in action! 



Our Thoughts make the World


We are what we think, all that we are arises with our thoughts," said
the Buddha, "with our thoughts, we make the world." In other words, you
are constantly creating your circumstances by the way you think. It's
as if you had a guided missile in your unconscious that relentlessly
directs you towards its target, and the target is whatever your
thoughts dwell on. Think doom and gloom, and that's what you'll get.
Focus on happiness and optimism, and they're already yours. Negative
thought frustrate the universal forces that can create a happy, healthy
and successful life. They keep our true potential trapped in a mental
prison of our own making.



Freedom From The Dependency On The New - cont.

In the market, there always appears the novelty (newness) of the same product wrapped differently. There always seems to be a new soft drink, a new kind of chocolate, but they are really the same products as always. The only thing that changes is the packaging and their image. Some children, whenever they go to the market, want the new kinds of biscuits, pastries, etc. They always want new things that then stay in the fridge. We encourage this by telling little children that happiness is stimulation, the new is stimulating, and comes from the outside or you get it from the outside. We create an addiction to the new; in this case, to the newness of the packaging. What kind of newness is that!

When, in order to be happy, you need to go shopping, you try to fill yourself with something that isn't you. You try to find wholeness by filling your life with material things. A soul who is spiritually awake knows that they are already complete and they do not need to depend on the purchase of something new regularly for feeling full internally. The only effort is in remembering and reconnecting with their whole self, their complete self; reconnecting with their inner treasures of spiritual wisdom, virtues and powers.


Soul Sustenance 

Overcoming Fears Connected With Negative Past Experiences (cont.)

The work with oneself to see what aspects of your past burden you and coming to terms with those aspects, requires silence, reflection and meditation. When you come to terms with your own past, you can let go of it and be free of it, not be afraid that the past will come back to you. If not, sometimes, it is like a shadow that follows you. If your house was robbed once, the shadow follows you that, perhaps, you might be robbed again. If they hurt you, you fear it will happen again. Sometimes that experience presents itself in dreams, in the subconscious or in present attitudes. Reliving the past in your mind, you do not fully enjoy the present. You have to accept the pieces of your past so that they do not continue to generate upsets. Accept that you had to live through them and live the present with a constructive vision of the future. 

In the above context, it helps to write letters to God about your experiences. The exercise of sharing them with God in writing brings clarity inside you and helps you to bring the spiritual light and might in your life in order not to be burdened by unnecessary experiences, unhappiness or grief. Have you ever written to God? You could do it at night and tell Him the things that affected you or that you have learned. You can tell Him the things or intimate feelings that other people perhaps wouldn't understand or wouldn't be there to listen to. You could also talk to Him about all that you question, and you do not have an answer to. And the following morning, when you meditate and study a little bit of spiritual knowledge, you often receive answers. 

Message for the day 

To be clean means to be a success. 

Projection: We usually interact with others based on our past experiences with them. Even if there has been a single negative experience with someone, we keep that in our mind and all our responses are based on that experience. We are, then, not able to be fully successful in our relationships. 

Solution: In order to succeed in our relationships we need to keep our mind free from the experiences of the past. We can do this when we look at the uniqueness and speciality of each individual that we come into contact with. This practice makes us respect all and be free from the negativity of the past. 


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Enjoy your stay at Rukhsana Group.
Moderators Rukhsana Group:
Kazakhstani1303 & Mumtaz Ali.
Contact us at: kazakhstani1303@gmail.com

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Enjoy your stay at Rukhsana Group.
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Kazakhstani1303 & Mumtaz Ali.
Contact us at: kazakhstani1303@gmail.com


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Enjoy your stay at Rukhsana Group.
Moderators Rukhsana Group:
Kazakhstani1303 & Mumtaz Ali.
Contact us at: kazakhstani1303@gmail.com


Nothingness for newness

An article on "newness." That is a great topic to get involved with. At the same time, the "thought" for today was "nothingness," which unexpectedly brought an unusual realization.

There is newness as long as we are nothing. 

The word "nothingness" is usually not well understood in a culture when being "something" is taught and believed.

A 3 year old baby is "nothing." There is no conceptual idea of himself in him. There is no comparison going on; thus all experiences are "new."

Serious, genuine spirituality is there to take away all those things which makes us believe that we are "something."

Being "nothing," is taught by spiritual teachers with different words.

For example when a spiritual teacher talks about "merging with God," there is no way that "I" with all its content (something-ness) can merge with God. But, if "I" is nothing, in that there is already that "merging with God."

That is why a "child is more elevated than a "mahatma"," because a child is closer to God's nature.

As we grow up, we forget to be "nothing." Then ego (something-ness) appears out of that growth. Then, that "nothingness" creates a personality full with "something-ness."

"I" am a doctor. "I" have 3 cars a house with a Jacuzzi in a very selective neighborhood, a beautiful wife a dog and 4 kittens ;" or the ego of having "nothing," as in: "I" only possess a set of clothes and my bowl to beg for food. "I" don't have anything.

See how that pristine "nothingness" disappears by creating "something" to be, an individual.

The same happens when in relationship with "others." If "I" am a movie star, then everyone around me will make me believe that "I" am "special." If "I" am in a work setting when no one cares for my input, then "I" believe that "I" am not worthy.

As long as there is some sort of psychological content, in "me;" there could never be the experience of "newness."
Because everything "I" perceive will be tinted from that perspective of being "something." Everything will start from the vision of the "same old thing." :-)

That is how we believe to be of a particular "social status." According to that belief, we will put an environment around us. That environment is not real, it does not exist but only in our minds.
We have created a society under those premises of being "something." Being "something" allows for division to take place, segmentation based on a particular characteristic:

Skin color, accent, religious beliefs, handicaps, education, sexual orientation, age, etc.

Please see that the "ideal" of a young, wise, loving, saint millionaire who looks like a movie star; does not exist; however, our ideal drives our behavior and "efforts" to "be" that.

That is the insanity of being "something."

Newness is always in being nothing. When "I" am nothing; then "I" could be merged with that changing world as a baby does; there is always "newness" for a baby. There is no baby who is "bored to death" of the same old thing.

Boredom appears when "something" (a personality) arises with their own expectations and desires.

Being "nothing" is sometimes referred to as being empty; that is "empty" of content, which brings usefulness to "everything," the world.

"Thirty spokes share the wheel's hub;
It is the center hole that makes it useful.
Shape clay into a vessel;
It is the space within that makes it useful.
Cut doors and windows for a room;
It is the holes which make it useful.
Therefore profit comes from what is there;
Usefulness from what is not there."

"The highest truth cannot be put into words. Therefore the greatest teacher has nothing to say. He simply gives himself in service, and never worries."

"Knowing nothing, you will be aware of everything. Remember: because clarity and enlightenment are within your own nature, they are regained without moving an inch."

"To manage your mind, know that there is nothing, and then relinquish all attachment to the nothingness."

Spirituality is not ritualistic. Newness is not in "doing" but in "being."
Being Nothing.

 Your Divine Friend 

Recent Activity:
Enjoy your stay at Rukhsana Group.
Moderators Rukhsana Group:
Kazakhstani1303 & Mumtaz Ali.
Contact us at: kazakhstani1303@gmail.com


Daily Positive Thoughts: November 08, 2013Silence



Incredibly beautiful natural pool in Thassos, Giola lagoon, Greece



We have to develop this hobby and practice going into the depths of silence. Practice this, make it your hobby and see how much you then enjoy it. The tiredness of the soul will then be removed. We will feel that we are able to remain carefree and restful. When the soul is tired it is restless and there is a lot of worry; we think I have to do this, that and so we cannot feel restful. All actually I have to do is to remain peaceful and there will be the feeling that everything will be ok...






The presence of prosperity or lack of it in health, finances and
relationships can offer signs of internal wellness, and clues about
what kind of inner development needs more critical care. Understand the
symbiosis between inner wellness and the different levels of prosperity
in your life. Try some spiritual approaches to expanding your capacity
and your awareness of abundance. Best of all, enjoy taking the reigns
and steering towards total prosperity - in all dimensions.




The Power To Discriminate

Meditation gives me a discriminating eye - an ability to discriminate between truth and falsehood. It does this by helping me maintain a consciousness that helps me rise above competing claims to truth - the different ideologies and opinions, reasons and analyses, justifications and stories related to a situation - which can be so confusing. 

The image of discrimination is the jeweler, who, with the help of his eyeglass, sorts out real diamonds from false. Meditation opens my third eye, the eye of pure consciousness. When I look at the world through this eye, truth is not just an intellectual idea, but an experience of the heart. When I think and act in ways that maintain and deepen this experience of truth, I know I am moving in the right direction.


Conversely, I discover that thoughts and behaviours that cloud or hide the experience of truth are coming from falsehood, no matter how much I or others may try to justify them. So, meditation gives me a reliable basis for discriminating the value in different courses of action: will this help me recover my truth, or take me further into falsehood? Will it maintain the flow of love, peace and happiness in my heart, or will it cause a blockage? Previously, I may have been easily swayed by other people's demands and opinions, or by illusory ways of thinking arising from my own negativity.


Like a good lawyer, the intellect is very clever at arguing its case, regardless of where the truth may lie. But, when truth is experienced in and from the heart, there is no arguing with it. Deeply experienced truth clears my mind of irrelevancies created due to possessiveness, greed, desires and ego. As I learn to create pure, positive thoughts, and connect with the divine, it is as though a flow of clear, fragrant water gradually displaces the mud and rubbish in my intellect, enabling me to see reality or truth again.



Soul Sustenance 

Overcoming Fears Connected With Negative Past Experiences

Some of our fears arise due to the situations we have lived through; for example, if you are driving a car and you have an accident. Then you take some time to drive again, because the memory of the accident awakens the fear of having another one or reliving the one you had. The person that has never had a car accident gets in the car with confidence, because they do not have that scene recorded, since they haven't lived through it. 

There are fears that we carry within us that are not of the present. Something happened to us in the dark and we are now afraid of the dark. Fears in relationships: you opened your heart, you fell in love and, after a time, you experienced pain, you felt hurt, misunderstood, manipulated, deceived or mistreated, and now you no longer open your heart for anything; it is closed off with the shields that you yourself have created.


To overcome this kind of fear due to experiences you have lived through, you have to come to terms with your past and accept it fully. You cannot change your past; lamenting the past doesn't help you; complaining about the past doesn't benefit you. Those shields brought about by fears do not disappear unless you do a deep cleansing. Begin to heal your experience of the past. Part of the past is healed with forgiveness. Without forgiving, you cannot forget.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day 

To be free from bondage means to be able to fly.

Projection: Sometimes we find that we are not able to progress as much as we should. We also find that we are not able to be light in all circumstances. At such times we might blame the situation and just stop making effort, as we cannot see the real cause for our lack of progress. 

Solution: We need to understand that the lack of progress that we are experiencing is not because of the situation itself but because of our own weakness that is like a bondage. When we recognise this fact, we will be able to know the right method to overcome our own weakness so that we will then be able to fly forward. 



Recent Activity:
Enjoy your stay at Rukhsana Group.
Moderators Rukhsana Group:
Kazakhstani1303 & Mumtaz Ali.
Contact us at: kazakhstani1303@gmail.com

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Recent Activity:
Enjoy your stay at Rukhsana Group.
Moderators Rukhsana Group:
Kazakhstani1303 & Mumtaz Ali.
Contact us at: kazakhstani1303@gmail.com
